So Roubina is starting a new job at the Berekeley hotel, and will henceforth be getting the royal queen Lizzy shaft for weekends off, so we decided to run off for a quick one night stay in sunny, rainy, snow-y, hail-y, utterly random ass-y Cornwall- was a neat trip, hit up the 'Tortoise Gardens' .. (yup seriously)- which is like a tortoise refuge in the UK, and day 2 we went to the 'Eden Project' which is what you get when you combine an archeitect and a filthy rich hippie- kind of like the movie 'biodome'- it's actually pretty neat, and they have like live concerts there and stuff do, though nothing was on when we were there- Also, weather was fantastically ridiculous, the whole time at the eden project, it was a minute by minute combination of sun, snow, rain, and hail. Literally a switchover like every 20 minutes. Some pretty gorgeous scenery
on the train ride over as well, which incidentally terminated at penzance, as in pirates of... who know it was a real place..? -all in all a really sweet trip, might be back some time soon to catch the stuff we missed, or perhaps further down the coast-
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