So I'm not anywhere yet, flying out Jan 1st. ... got my work permit in the mail via fedex last night, which I have been chomping at the bit for as I needed to go to ottawa to apply in person since they company is cutting time so tight... so I get the app yesterday afternoon and try and make an online appointment, guess what, the only appointment left is the next day at 9:15am or 9:45am! So I have less than 12 hours to go print out a bunch of paperwork, get a passport photo (thank god for shopper's drug mart...), drive my ass to ottawa, and then come right back! Definitely not a fun day, but happily I have my entry visa and all is well in the land of international terrorism. Incidentally the security at the embassy is nuts these days! I'm surprised I didn't have to leave a stool sample on my way out just in case...
In other news Ottawa is kinda like a cleaner version of London in 28 Days Later when Cillian Murphy first wakes up and finds that all of the people are gone. Pretty sleepy place-! Perhaps there were polite, canadian zombies all hidden away somewhere just waiting to pop out, too bad i didn't stick around...
it 1:22 am
on a school nite.
i'm crabby cuz i'm tired and upset about the subject matter of this blog (what an UGLY word) zkhem.. so i stopped reading and decided to add my 2 cents. are we back in highschool? angelfire come-back...oh which reminds me, gotta go to my 'homepage' and link some more sailor moon pics to it
...giant angry pill
..oh ya...thanks shoppers
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