So The First week is out of the way... haven't found a place yet, but still looking. London is pretty cool so far, Roubina flew back yesterday, *sniff*, but she'll prolly be back soon, around march-ish at the latest,

so now I've just got to find a flat and get all settled in. Work has been pretty cool too, hasn't been to o busy, and co-workers all seem pretty laid back and as far as I can tell so far really damn talented!
The food kinda blows, but I was kinda expecting that. Went to one or two good restaurants with Ruby, but man, how the hell do you screw up breakfast? Ah well. Haven't done too much touristy stuff, checked out the museum, and Ruby almost had an anuerism at Harrod's food hall. When we went they had an opera singer in the escalator area, which was pretty neat actually!
The weather has been unseasonably mild which is fine by me! Only a small amount of rain here and there, though it's typically gloomy as hell. More pics and stories to follow ...